“Cabramatta” is an autobiographical interactive and print comic about growing up in a community of Vietnam War refugees resettled in Australia’s heroin capital.
MA, 2013
MA is a comic book based on the true story of how Huynh’s family came to Australia. A young couple are forced to flee their homeland as the Vietnam War escalates. They wait in Malaysia’s Pulau Bidong refugee camps in a perpetual state of purgatory as they wait to seek asylum, whilst treasuring pockets of silliness and romance as they learn to raise two boys and await news from home and of their uncertain future.
MA debuted at Comic Arts Brooklyn Festival 2013.
The first edition was 60 pages, 7 x 10" with a silk-screened cover by Brooklyn’s Radix Media and an epilogue by Oxford University’s Dr Mimi Zou.
The second edition was reprinted in a perfect bound gloss cover with an interview by Peril Magazine’s Owen Leong.
2018 - Fairfield City Museum & Gallery
2014 - Disrupted, presented by Amnesty International & Perth Festival of Ideas, State Library of Western Australia
2014 - Tate Gallery, Glebe
Interview with Matt Huynh, MA, Peril Magazine, Owen Leong
Review: MA, Comic Bastards
Comics for Grownups ep 30, Joshua Malbin & Alexander Rothman
Inked and Lettered Brushwork
Pencil Thumbnails